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Yuri Nomura - Tokyo Eatrip

Normaler Preis Sonderpreis
€48,00   €31,20

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage

Yuri Nomura: Tokyo Eatrip Cover
Yuri Nomura: Tokyo Eatrip #1
Yuri Nomura: Tokyo Eatrip #2
Yuri Nomura: Tokyo Eatrip #3

Yuri Nomura - Tokyo Eatrip

Normaler Preis Sonderpreis
€48,00   €31,20

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage

Tokyo Eatrip, written by Yuri Nomura an owner chef, features the personal pick of 57 restaurants that she personally enjoys in Tokyo ranging from hidden gems to high-end restaurants. This book also features 14 different popular neighborhoods with a total of 168 places you can visit and teaches you about Japanese dining etiquette. With its bilingual text, local maps, and diverse introduction to Japanese cuisine, this is perfect for anyone who would like to dive deeper into Japanese cuisine and incredibly useful for anyone visiting Tokyo.

"This book is a collection of restaurants that I would like to introduce to my close friends. However, since I don´t eat out all the time, I don´t consider it a guide that covers everything. This is a list of places that have personal significance. Some of the places listed I have been going since I was a child with my parents. Some of the shops I only discovered recently, through relationships made after opening my own restaurant in Harajuku. All in all, these are the ones that are special to me.

It would be great if you as a reader could use this book as a starting point to build your own relationship with the culinary culture in Tokyo."

Format: 15 x 22 cm
286 Seiten
Sprache: Englisch/Japanisch

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